Monday, December 31, 2007

My last tips for 2007 - How do get business class treatment when flying economy class

On Dec 24th I flew with Singapore Airlines from Singapore to London. It was an early morning flight and I will reach London at 6pm London time. It was my longest Christmas eve. When I entered the plane to my surprise there was only 16 passengers in the Boeing 777 plane!

I think the air stewardess over numbered us instead! I totally enjoyed the flight coz I can sit anywhere I want and eat any snack I want. The air steward even came to me and chatted me up and offered to make any drinks I would like. It was really fun. We even took pictures in the plane because it's very rare to have an almost empty flight to Europe.

According to the air steward, usually on 24th Dec it will be very quiet. So now that I know this, I don't mind flying to Europe on 24th Dec! You get more than you bargain!