Sunday, August 17, 2008

When to buy a Watch in Tokyo .. and it Does Matter!

Recently I went to Yodobashi chain in Shinjuku which sell a big range of Japanese watches. When I finally found the model I like I was ready to make the payment. First, the store employee told me there will be discount from the retail price, however, if you are buying them on weekends, you get more discount! Yes more discount on weekends! Then if you exceed 10,000yen you can claim another 5% from the duty free tax counter at the airport.

So next time when you want to buy a watch you know when to go get one! Meow!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sawadee kub .. May I help you sir? Take it and name any price you want!!!

Have you ever wonder how to get discount and you don't even need to beg? In fact, the seller beg you to take it instead! Recently in Bangkok, I went to the shop in a mall where they had just started their morning. I was the first customer. Without much bargain, they die die must sell it to you or else the business for that day will be bad! (Superstitious) I just named the price, and as long as she didn't make any loses or at least breakeven, she will give it you!

So now, when you know you want something very badly in Bangkok! Watch out for the time they open their shop and be the 1st customer!

I am BACK in Business!

OK I have gathered more tips for all the kiasu meow meow out there! Read on ....

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

More Hair Volume - try it at home!

I was in Ipoh last week and went for a haircut as I was getting ready to attend a wedding. I want to look dashing so I went to a shop to get my hair done. After the cut, I learnt from the hairstylist that if I want my hair to look more volume (I am having hair thinning ok!), then after you wash your hair. Towel dry it and then immediately apply the wax or mouse. After the hair became drier, then you can style your hair whichever way you want!

True enough I tried that at home, and it gives more volume to my hair and looks thicker! Try it for yourself :P