Thursday, October 4, 2007

Zebra Cross - Dead or Alive

Have you ever wonder whether a zebra cross is reliable? By right on zebra cross, the vehicle should stop for the pedestrian ..however, sometimes in certain countries zebra cross can caused you ended up like a dead zebra!

Following are some of the zebra crosses around the Asia Pacific (based on my personal opinion) :

Malaysia - never trust one, the car will speed faster when they see you attempting to cross!
Singapore - most of them were pretty reliable, i guess they don't wanna get fined or sued
Hong Kong - usually won't trust them as well especially during peak hours, the cab drives like F1
China - unless you have 9 lives like a cat else don't ever attempt
India - err have not really seen one yet .. just use your hand to stop them
Australia - most courteous however, don't attempt at night when most of them had been drinking!

Well not all Zebra crosses are safe! So be a smart zebra pedestrian.

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