Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Lost in Translation - the Seoul way

I looked at my watch and were late for a meeting. I jumped into a cab outside the hotel, and told the cab driver I wanted to go to Dogok station where my office is. The cab driver just started his engine and zoomed away. Later he kept asking me where I wanted to go. With my limited Korean vocabulary I could not make him understand the location again. (Due to my pronounciation!)

In Seoul when you are lost in translation, there is a way to overcome this. Thanks to the Seoul Metropolitan government, they had introduced Free Translation since the World Cup in 2002. All you need to do is call 120 and speak to the english speaking operator. You can even ask things like where is the best clubs around your area, or nearest cinema. Its like a walking yellow pages! The cab driver will usually hand their mobile phone to you, and you need to dial 02-120. That easy!

I really think it's a brilliant idea and very useful for us who is kiasu and kiasi travelling in Seoul!

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