Friday, May 18, 2007

No worries to Foreign Exchange, bring your ATM card

For the past few days there were at least 2 persons that asked me, if they go to overseas, how much should they bring? My answer to them is bring little foreign cash!

Why?? How about my shopping? Well if you are a Maybank ATM card holder, turn to the back of the card and locate for the PLUS sign! With this sign, you can access to all the ATM almost around the world. So far I have not faced any problems yet.

You may also asked how about the exchange rate? Actually, I did some calculation, the daily exchange is very close to what you get at the mamak counter. However, they will be RM12 for each transactions from the ATM machine will be charged. So make sure you withdraw more to enjoy the benefits!

I won't advise travellers to bring too much cash with them. With PLUS, it can be your 11th hour savior! You have nothing to lose :P

1 comment:

cath said...

bro, r u sure, maybank charged RM12 per overseas withdrawal tranx ? or typo error ka ? cos i hv withdrawn many times while i was in beijing last mth, but no extra charges shown in statement la...or am i just being lucky ka ??